A messy closet cluttered by clothes
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Find your motivation to declutter clothes for a happy closet

Do you often think you have nothing to wear even if your closet is more than full? You’re not alone. And don’t let me start with how difficult it is to stay on top of the laundry. But finding the motivation to declutter clothes can feel like it’s even more challenging. That’s why I wrote this blog post. Keep reading to learn how to find the motivation and, more importantly, how to keep it. You deserve a closet you can open to tidy shelves and close without pushing so hard.

Imagine your tidy closet to find motivation to declutter clothes
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Benefits of decluttering clothes

Most importantly, you’ll gain space in your closet. Your clothes won’t be creased anymore because there is no room on your shelves or hanging rail to put them away. No more ironing in a rush because your preferred blouse is once again a mess!

You’ll also gain time in the morning when getting ready. Do you regularly think that you have nothing to wear? Once you get rid of your unneeded pieces, you will be able to see all your clothes in one look and choose more easily what to wear.

You’ll define your style more. So you’ll know what to search for if you need to buy a piece of clothing. What’s the point of purchasing this lovely pencil skirt if you’ve seen that you’ve decluttered the one you had before?

Your bedroom will be tidier. Indeed, when your closet is cramped, it’s hard to motivate yourself to put away clothes. But, as there will be more space in your closet after you have decluttered it, you’ll be able to tidy your room without it becoming a huge task.

How to get the motivation to declutter clothes

First, you’ll need to find the profound reason why you want to declutter your closet. Sure, having a tidy closet is an excellent advantage, but why do you want it? How will it change your life?

Once you know your why, you can set your goals. It can be the number of clothes you’ll keep or get rid of or how many bags of clothes you’ll donate. You can also decide you’ll take care of one shelf a day. It’s up to you!

Another possibility is to declutter with a friend. You can declutter your closet and then theirs or have them as an accountability partner. And when it’s time to really sort your clothes, listen to music or an audiobook. Time will pass faster!

Keeping your motivation to declutter clothes is also important
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How to keep the motivation to declutter

Having motivation is good. Keeping it is better. But as you go through all your clothes, it might seem like an endless task.

My first piece of advice is to start small. Decluttering your closet is a huge task that can be overwhelming. So instead of this enormous task, start with a shelf or a drawer. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment sooner and be ready to tackle another shelf.

If you followed what I wrote earlier, you have a goal for your closet. Now, it’s time to find a reward for when you’ll meet it. Try to find something that won’t bring more clothes to your house, it would be counterproductive. You can treat yourself to an experience or a service like a manicure. You can also buy something you’ll use or eat, like fancy cosmetics (I love Lush shower gels!) or a takeout meal from a restaurant you like.

The third solution to motivate yourself to keep decluttering your clothes is to organize a swapping session with your friends. To avoid it backfiring, you’ll need to know what clothes you’d like to add to your closet before it. Look at your clothes to find out what your style is. No need to use showy words like boho chic. Just know that you like large chiffon skirts and that a mustard yellow one could be amazing with your favorite top. And when you’re at the swapping session, stick to the list you’ve defined!

Clean and tidy closet
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Imagine how good it will feel when your clothes actually bring you joy instead of stress. A decluttered closet full of clothes you love is within your reach! Don’t forget to set your goals and find an accountability buddy. And if things become more challenging, think about the reward waiting for you on the other side! Ready to find your motivation to declutter clothes?

So tell me, what benefit do you crave the most? A simplified morning routine? More space in your home? Less weight on your shoulders (literally)? Let me know in the comments below!

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